What is a sleep disorder?

What is a sleep disorder by Barista Pro Shop

Sleep disorders are conditions that result in changes in the way that you sleep.A sleep disorder can affect your overall health, safety and quality of life. Sleep deprivation can affect your ability to drive safely and increase your risk of other health problems. SOME COMMON TYPES OF SLEEP DISORDERS INCLUDE: • Insomnia, in which you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.• Sleep apnea, in which you experience abnormal patterns in breathing while you are asleep. There are several types of sleep apnea.• Restless legs syndrome (RLS), a type of sleep movement disorder.• Narcolepsy, a condition characterized by extreme sleepiness during the day and falling asleep suddenly during the day. WHAT IS A SMART BLUETOOTH ECG MONITOR? Product Description:• Smart sleep belt tracks your every full night heart rate, breath rate and sleep quality.• For our smart sleep belt, you can turn on the sleep music, set…

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Centro de Investigacion Cultural del Estado Nueva Esparta CICUNE

Eladio Rodulfo González, quien  firma su producción periodística y de todo género con los dos apellidos, nació en el caserío Marabal, hoy en día parroquia homónima del Municipio Mariño del Estado Sucre, Venezuela, el 18 de febrero de 1935. Es licenciado en Periodismo, Poeta, Trabajador Social e Investigador Cultural.El 15 de abril de 1997 creó el Centro de Investigaciones Culturales Neoespartanas (CICUNE).Publica diariamente los Blogs: “Noticias de Nueva Esparta” y “Poemario de Eladio Rodulfo González”.Escribe en los portales poéticos Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE) Sociedad Venezolana de Arte Internacional (SVAI) y Poemas del Alma, de los cuales es miembro.