Benefits of drone photography in real estate

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Benefits of drone photography in real estate by Red Wasp Drone

According to the multiple listing service (MLS), homes and properties with drone images are up to 68% more likely to sell than those without them. Aerial photos allow buyers to get a better understanding of what the property looks like, its dimensions, and the surrounding area.

Mar 4, 2022

Drone photography has become increasingly popular in real estate for a number of reasons. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Unique perspectives: Drones can capture unique angles and viewpoints that traditional photography cannot. By taking aerial shots, drone photography can give potential buyers a bird’s eye view of a property and its surroundings.
  2. Increased interest: High-quality drone photography can make a property stand out online, increasing interest from potential buyers. Aerial shots can also give potential buyers a better sense of the property’s size, layout, and surroundings.
  3. Cost-effective: Drone photography can be a cost-effective way to capture high-quality images of a property. It can be less expensive than hiring a professional photographer to take photos from a helicopter or airplane.
  4. Time-saving: Drones can quickly capture images of a property from multiple angles, saving time and effort compared to traditional photography methods.
  5. Improved marketing: High-quality drone photography can improve a property’s marketing efforts by creating visually compelling images and videos that can be used in online listings, social media, and other marketing materials.

Overall, drone photography has become a valuable tool in real estate for showcasing properties and attracting potential buyers.

Real Estate Photography:

Real estate agents are able to sell properties more effectively by utilizing drone photography and video, as aerial photography is quickly becoming the standard in effectively marketed real estate listings.

Wedding Photography:

Drones allow videographers to capture sweeping footage from overhead, creating an extremely dramatic effect for wedding videos.


Drones allow the capture of images or the display of ads that are currently costly or difficult to obtain.


Many news organizations use helicopters or planes which have higher costs and require people on-site to operate. Additionally, if a journalist is covering conflict or natural disaster, drones can remove people from that danger while still covering the story.


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Centro de Investigacion Cultural del Estado Nueva Esparta CICUNE

Eladio Rodulfo González, quien  firma su producción periodística y de todo género con los dos apellidos, nació en el caserío Marabal, hoy en día parroquia homónima del Municipio Mariño del Estado Sucre, Venezuela, el 18 de febrero de 1935. Es licenciado en Periodismo, Poeta, Trabajador Social e Investigador Cultural.El 15 de abril de 1997 creó el Centro de Investigaciones Culturales Neoespartanas (CICUNE).Publica diariamente los Blogs: “Noticias de Nueva Esparta” y “Poemario de Eladio Rodulfo González”.Escribe en los portales poéticos Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE) Sociedad Venezolana de Arte Internacional (SVAI) y Poemas del Alma, de los cuales es miembro.